Harmfull food for dogs

Harmfull food for dogs

It’s hard to resist the sparkling puppy eyes that emerge when food is on the table. And sure enough, it happens from time to time that a piece of food "falls" to the floor, making it en easy target for your begging dog. How cozy isn't it to share a treat with your sweetheart, their happiness is everything! It's important to remember that some foods might not be suitable for sharing, here is a helpful guide to keep snack time safe.

  1. Chocolate, Coffee, and Caffeine
    Chocolate is a widely known no-no for dogs but not everyone knows that also coffee and caffeine are bad. They all contain a substance called methylxanthines which dogs can’t eat. Remember, white chocolate contains the smallest amount of the substance whereas baking chocolate contains the highest!
  2. The Sweetener Xylitol
    Xylitol is common in a large number of products, and very toxic to dogs. Even a small amount can be very dangerous for your dog to consume so avoid it at all costs. Common examples of products containing xylitol are sugar-free gum, toothpaste, mouthwash, candies, and many human medicines.
  3. Onions, Garlic and Chives
    All forms of these can irritate your dog's tummy and bowel and even cause red blood cell damage. So avoid sharing your garlic stuffed pasta!
  4. Grapes and Raisins
    At the moment it is unknown specifically which substance is the problem in grapes and raisins you must keep them from your dog. If they eat enough it can cause kidney failure.
  5. Salt and Salty Snack Foods
    A doggy consuming too much salt can lead to dehydration as well as excessive thirst and urination. In the worst-case scenario, it can also cause sodium poisoning where the symptoms are vomiting, diarrhea, or even seizures.
  6. Nuts
    Nuts might be a healthy and tasty snack for you but do not treat your dog to them. The high levels of oil and fat can also cause vomiting or diarrhea. Pancreatitis is also a possible outcome of a nutty diet. Remember, macadamia nuts are the most dangerous for your dog!
  7. Alcohol
    This one might be self-explanatory since alcohol isn’t so great for us humans either. The truth is that the same damage that happens to us, brain, and liver damage also happens to our furry darlings. A small amount is dangerous for your dog so when opening a bottle of wine, keep it to yourself.
  8. Avocado
    The green trendy treat is another food you might think is a healthy option. It is actually the opposite, especially the shell and pit. Avocados contain a substance called persin which is poisonous for your dog. The highest amounts are found in the leaves and plant itself but it is also found in the fruit. So now you don’t have to share your avo-toast!

Harmfull food f or dogs

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