Barkalot items help express your dog’s personality and are made of sturdy and high quality sustainable materials. But, these important accessories don’t always get the love and care they deserve. We recommend you keep the items in good condition by practicing some simple care tips.


The Vegan Leather Collection

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To increase longevity and appearance of the collar and leash - make sure your pup don't roll around in mud or swim with the collar on.

When you’re not using them, keep your dog’s collars in a safe place out of sunlight. The design will last longer, and you'll save it from being chewed up!

If your dog decides to take a dip anyways, take it off when you get back home and air dry (avoid direct sunlight). Make sure that the collar is dry before putting it back on your dog.

Regularly check the collar for any damage to the webbing or stitching. If the collar shows signs of damage, replace it right away. Make sure your dog gets a spa day every now and then to keep the collar smelling better too!